Thursday, 18 June 2009

Lauren Field's Zombie Playlist

So, whenever I work on a project, whether it be directing, screenwriting, etc, I always put together a playlist of songs that remind me of whatever it is that I’m currently working on, it helps me to focus. Anyway, I put together a really awesome playlist (IMO) and wanted to share it with you all.

This is my Zombie Nation playlist.


***Note: this is NOT the soundtrack, we don’t hold copyright and because we are planning something different for the soundtrack, so chill.


1.     Cemeteries of London – Coldplay

2.     Map of Your Head – Muse

3.     On the Wings of Integrity – My Children My Bride

4.     Prodigal – OneRepublic

5.     Murder in the City – The Avett Brothers

6.     Toxic – A Static Lullaby

7.     Hysteria – Muse

8.     See You in My Nightmares – Kanye West

9.     Spotlight – MuteMath

10.  Raise a Little Hell – Trooper

11.  Sabotage – The Beastie Boys

12.  It Will Be Alright – Under Foreign Skies

13.  Goodnight, Travel Well – The Killers

14.  For a Pessimist, I’m Pretty Optimistic – Paramore

15.  Turn On Me – The Shins

16.  You Might Die Trying – Dave Matthews Band

17.  Feel Good Inc (Remix) – Face VS The Gorillaz

18.  Wake the Dead – The Used

19.  A Devil For Me – Black Veil Brides

20. She F*cking Hates Me - Puddle of Mudd

21.  3AM – Eminem


Lauren Field

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Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Z-Virus Explained.

The following is an explanation to what causes the Zombie outbreak in "Zombie Nation":

The Z-Virus is the ultimate in Bio-Warfare. It has the ability to wipe out every human on the planet, like most Weapons of Mass Destruction, however, it was never meant to be used. WMDs are, after all, like having a friend that people are scared of. "Don't mess with him, his friends will beat you up." It keeps everyone relatively peaceful.

The Z-Virus infects humans in much the same way influenza does, that is to say it is carried through the air. Unlike influenza though, which can survive outside the body for a maximum of 48hours, the Z-Virus can survive a lot longer.

Once infected, you don't show any outward signs caused by the Z-Virus, inside though, it works away at your immune system. Breaking it down until it can no longer fight anything - opening you up to infection from the world around you.

The virus then waits.

It waits until you're at death's door. The white light is shining, voices are calling for you to walk towards it. It is then that the virus truly attacks. It ramps everything up into overdrive. Thirst, Hunger. You get your second wind, energy like you haven't seen since long before you were infected. Your brain, however, is all but shut down. It keeps everything ticking over, but it focuses everything on the hunger.

True death only comes when there's nothing left to feast on and by that time there's nothing left at all. Life, as we know it, is over.

Fish may still swim in the ocean, birds may fly in the sky. But the human race is gone.

I realise the above isn't exactly production news, but I figured getting an explanation to just how our zombies work would be a good thing.

In other news from the Scottish camp, if all goes according to plan, we've got a Jacob to go with our Molly. Grace depends on who plays Jack and that role is still up in the air just now.

That is all.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Why have one, when you can have two?

Okay, so there hasn't been as many updates as I thought there might be on here. But I'm writing one now, jeez. Shut up.

The big news (if you want to call it that) is that there might be two versions of Zombie Nation going into production this summer. The first being made by me, the second being made by some american - I know what you're thinking, they ruin everything... but I have faith...ish.

Both versions, if the plan goes ahead, will be using the same script, with some obvious little changes made - locations based things, etc. Other than that, we're both free to do with it what we want. Our own zombie designs, cast, etc.

I'm looking forward to seeing how this pans out - to seeing how different (or similar) each version is and you should be too.

I'll post another entry in the next few days probably, hopefully with a final cast update.

Friday, 20 February 2009

Zombie Eyes

I've never quite understood why Zombies are portrayed as having white iris', but I do like that look and I figure that if we're gonna make a zombie movie, we should include the look. With contacts costing a minimum of £25 a pair and our production budget being next to £0 they were out of the question. However, special effects are perfectly doable.

Above is the first test.

The clip was exported from After Effects as an image sequence, then edited in photoshop. It would have been imported back into After Effects, but my version has a bug, which I'll need to get fixed.

I think the look achieved for the amount of time spent on it is pretty good. It's only 13 frames long though, with 24 frames in a second, if we have any long shots of zombies with their eyes really visible, things could get tough. I may send frames off to others to edit.

If all goes to plan, we will be filming the first viral short on Monday night, which will give a feel of things to come and give us a chance to work on things like the zombie eyes, etc using actual footage and not just test clips of me standing in my bedroom.

I'll update again when we have the viral filmed.